Broadcast An Email 

Broadcast Email is a function to send an email message to the subscribers in multiple mailing lists. This is the best way to contact your subscribers at the same time with only one email content. You can also apply this feature as the e-newsletter if you have one.

The email can be broadcast immediately or you can schedule the date & time to send out. Only current subscribers can receive the email. New subscribers won't receive it.

TIP: How's each email function different?

  • Broadcast Email = one email message sent to current subscribers in multiple mailing lists
  • Automated Email Series = an automated sequence of email messages sent to new subscribers to one mailing list only
  • Email Funnel = an automated sequence of email messages sent to new subscribers to multiple mailing lists with filter options following the action of the receivers eg. open or click.

1. At the main project page, select the middle icon Manage and click Email.

2. Click Create New Broadcast to activate the broadcast wizard.

Step 1: Who do you want to mail to?

At Step 1, give the name of the message and select the mailing lists. All Lists is to select every list from your account. Custom Lists is to select some particular lists inside the project or outside the project. You can select more than 1 list.

Step 2: Setup Filters

At Step 2, filter your list to broadcast the message to some specific subscribers in the selected list only. If you want to broadcast the message to everyone in the list, you can skip this step.

Name the filter and select the filter type. You can send the email to any subscribers who received, opened or clicked link in any previous emails. You can even broadcast the email by their country.

Include is to send the emails to the subscribers in the lists of step 1 and received, opened or clicked the selected emails messages in the Specific Email Broadcast.

Exclude is to send the email to the subscribers in the lists of step 1 but never received, opened or clicked the selected emails messages in the Specific Email Broadcast.

Specific Email Type is to the select the type of the email previously sent to the subscribers. They are Broadcast Email, Automated Email & Email Funnel.

Specific Email Broadcast is to select the specific email message or email sequence.

Step 3: Create Your Message

Step 3 is to create the content of the email.

  1. Subject is the subject of this email.
  2. Format is to select the text format: Plain text or HTML text.
  3. Email version is to split test the email version.
  4. Available Tags are the tags that you can put in the content of the email and the system will replace its value once the email message is sent.
  5. Available Magic Links is the option to create an auto-expire link. Once the link expired, the subscribers would see the alternative link.
  6. Available Tools ​is the optin to insert the affiliate tool links into the email.

1 & 2: Subject is the subject of the email. For Format, if you select the plain text, you cannot customize the font style or insert the link in the message while HTML allows you to edit the font style or insert the link  

3: Email Version is to set up the email split testing to see which one has the best open & click stat. The system will randomly send the messages. You can hover over the Open & Click to view the stat.

4: Available Tags are the tags that you can use in the email message. The system will replace the value automatically in the live email message. 

  • {FIRSTNAME} - firstname of the subscribers
  • {LASTNAME} - lastname of the subscribers
  • {EMAIL} - email of the subscribers
  • {MEMBER_USERNAME} - log in email to access the membership site
  • {MEMBER_PASSWORD} - auto-password to access the membership site

Editor Mode

Live Email

5: Magic Link is to create a link with the auto-expire option (or Before expire link). After a period of time or a number of clicks, the link in the email will be redirected to the alternative url (or After expire link).

From the sample image below, it means that if the subscribers click the link within 7 days after the message is sent, they will be redirected to If they click the link after 7 days, they will find the page automatically.

6. Available Tools is the affiliate tool links that you created in any Affiliate Campaign in the same project. You can hover over the toollink to view the tool's name. You can insert only the Standard Link, not HTML, Banner, Email or Custom tools into the email.

Step 4: Schedule The Message

Step 4 is to schedule date & time to send out the message. You can send it immediately or schedule it to send out automatically.

  • Send Now is to queue the message at FusionHQ mail server immediately. It could take only a few seconds or up to a few minutes.
  • Customize the schedule is to send the message into the queue in the mail server prior the set date & time. So when set date & time come, the message will be broadcast exactly on that day. 

You can view the stat of each broadcast email that you sent at Manage & then Email. These details include Send Date, Total Sent/Opened/Clicked/Unsubscribed, Optins/Revenue. 

Last update: Sep 11, 2015